Polygon Launchpad provides everything you need to connect your application to the financial markets. Use our best-in-class technology to access news, charts, history, corporate actions, and more for any security.
Pass your API key in the query string like follows:
Alternatively, you can add an Authorization header to the request with your API Key as the token in the following form:
Use custom request headers to pass along info about the user, location, and user agent that originated each API call so that Launchpad can provide usage analytics, track trends, and alert you to any problems.
X-Polygon-Edge-ID (required) - An alias that you can use to correlate usage in Polygon back to an individual user of your application. This should be a string, unique for each individual user of your application who accesses data. We'll keep logs and trends associated with each individual edge user, but their true identity is known only to you. We also use this information to calculate your Monthly Active Users for billing.
This should be a string between 1 and 80 characters long.
X-Polygon-Edge-IP-Address (required) - The IP Address information of the edge user originating the call. We use this for location insights, and to help you monitor for abuse.
This should be a string in IPv4 dotted decimal (""), IPv6 ("2001:db8::68"), or IPv4-mapped IPv6 ("::ffff:") form.
X-Polygon-Edge-User-Agent - The User Agent information of the edge user originating the call. This can be used to see trends across different platforms, or different versions of your client application.
This should be a string between 1 and 80 characters long.
Many of Polygon.io's REST endpoints allow you to extend query parameters with inequalities like date.lt=2021-01-01 (less than) and date.gte=2020-01-01 (greater than or equal to) to search ranges of values. You can also use the field name without any extension to query for exact equality. Fields that support extensions will have an "Additional filter parameters" dropdown beneath them in the docs that detail the supported extensions for that parameter.
By default, all endpoints return a JSON response. To request a CSV response include 'Accept': 'text/csv' as a request parameter.
Get aggregate bars for a stock over a given date range in custom time window sizes.
For example, if timespan = ‘minute’ and multiplier = ‘5’ then 5-minute bars will be returned.
Specify a case-sensitive ticker symbol. For example, AAPL represents Apple Inc.
The size of the timespan multiplier.
The size of the time window.
The start of the aggregate time window. Either a date with the format YYYY-MM-DD or a millisecond timestamp.
The end of the aggregate time window. Either a date with the format YYYY-MM-DD or a millisecond timestamp.
Whether or not the results are adjusted for splits. By default, results are adjusted. Set this to false to get results that are NOT adjusted for splits.
Sort the results by timestamp.
will return results in ascending order (oldest at the top),
will return results in descending order (newest at the top).
Limits the number of base aggregates queried to create the aggregate results. Max 50000 and Default 5000. Read more about how limit is used to calculate aggregate results in our article on Aggregate Data API Improvements.
The exchange symbol that this item is traded under.
Whether or not this response was adjusted for splits.
The number of aggregates (minute or day) used to generate the response.
A request id assigned by the server.
The total number of results for this request.
The status of this request's response.
The close price for the symbol in the given time period.
The highest price for the symbol in the given time period.
The lowest price for the symbol in the given time period.
The number of transactions in the aggregate window.
The open price for the symbol in the given time period.
Whether or not this aggregate is for an OTC ticker. This field will be left off if false.
The Unix Msec timestamp for the start of the aggregate window.
The trading volume of the symbol in the given time period.
The volume weighted average price.
If present, this value can be used to fetch the next page of data.
"adjusted": true,
"next_url": "https://api.polygon.io/v2/aggs/ticker/AAPL/range/1/day/1578114000000/2020-01-10?cursor=bGltaXQ9MiZzb3J0PWFzYw",
"queryCount": 2,
"request_id": "6a7e466379af0a71039d60cc78e72282",
"results": [
"c": 75.0875,
"h": 75.15,
"l": 73.7975,
"n": 1,
"o": 74.06,
"t": 1577941200000,
"v": 135647456,
"vw": 74.6099
"c": 74.3575,
"h": 75.145,
"l": 74.125,
"n": 1,
"o": 74.2875,
"t": 1578027600000,
"v": 146535512,
"vw": 74.7026
"resultsCount": 2,
"status": "OK",
"ticker": "AAPL"
Get everything needed to visualize the tick-by-tick movement of a list of tickers.
Comma separated list of tickers. This API currently supports Stocks/Equities, Crypto, Options, and Forex. See the tickers endpoint for more details on supported tickers. If no tickers are passed then no results will be returned.
Warning: The maximum number of characters allowed in a URL are subject to your technology stack.
A link to this ticker's company's icon. Icon's are generally smaller, square images that represent the company at a glance. Note that you must provide an API key when accessing this URL. See the "Authentication" section at the top of this page for more details.
A link to this ticker's company's logo. Note that you must provide an API key when accessing this URL. See the "Authentication" section at the top of this page for more details.
The error while looking for this ticker.
The nanosecond timestamp of when this information was updated.
The market status for the market that trades this ticker.
The error message while looking for this ticker.
Name of ticker, forex, or crypto asset.
The type of contract. Can be "put", "call", or in some rare cases, "other".
The exercise style of this contract. See this link for more details on exercise styles.
The contract's expiration date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
The number of shares per contract for this contract.
The strike price of the option contract.
The ticker for the option contract.
The most up to date ticker price.
Comprehensive trading session metrics, detailing price changes, trading volume, and key price points (open, close, high, low) for the asset within the current trading day. Includes specific changes during early, regular, and late trading periods to enable detailed performance analysis and trend tracking.
The value of the price change for the asset from the previous trading day.
The percent of the price change for the asset from the previous trading day.
The closing price of the asset for the day.
Today's early trading change amount, difference between price and previous close if in early trading hours, otherwise difference between last price during early trading and previous close.
Today's early trading change as a percentage.
The highest price of the asset for the day.
Today's late trading change amount, difference between price and today's close if in late trading hours, otherwise difference between last price during late trading and today's close.
Today's late trading change as a percentage.
The lowest price of the asset for the day.
The open price of the asset for the day.
The closing price of the asset for the previous trading day.
The price of the most recent trade or bid price for this asset.
Today's change in regular trading hours, difference between current price and previous trading day's close, otherwise difference between today's close and previous day's close.
Today's regular trading change as a percentage.
The trading volume for the asset for the day.
Ticker of asset queried.
The market for this ticker of stock, crypto, fx, option.
The status of this request's response.
"request_id": "abc123",
"results": [
"branding": {
"icon_url": "https://api.polygon.io/icon.png",
"logo_url": "https://api.polygon.io/logo.svg"
"last_updated": 1679597116344223500,
"market_status": "closed",
"name": "Norwegian Cruise Lines",
"price": 22.3,
"session": {
"change": -1.05,
"change_percent": -4.67,
"close": 21.4,
"early_trading_change": -0.39,
"early_trading_change_percent": -0.07,
"high": 22.49,
"late_trading_change": 1.2,
"late_trading_change_percent": 3.92,
"low": 21.35,
"open": 22.49,
"previous_close": 22.45,
"volume": 37
"ticker": "NCLH",
"type": "stocks"
"last_updated": 1679597116344223500,
"market_status": "closed",
"name": "NCLH $5 Call",
"options": {
"contract_type": "call",
"exercise_style": "american",
"expiration_date": "2022-10-14",
"shares_per_contract": 100,
"strike_price": 5,
"underlying_ticker": "NCLH"
"price": 6.6,
"session": {
"change": -0.05,
"change_percent": -1.07,
"close": 6.65,
"early_trading_change": -0.01,
"early_trading_change_percent": -0.03,
"high": 7.01,
"late_trading_change": -0.4,
"late_trading_change_percent": -0.02,
"low": 5.42,
"open": 6.7,
"previous_close": 6.71,
"volume": 67
"ticker": "O:NCLH221014C00005000",
"type": "options"
"last_updated": 1679597116344223500,
"market_status": "open",
"name": "Euro - United States Dollar",
"price": 0.97989,
"session": {
"change": -0.0001,
"change_percent": -0.67,
"close": 0.97989,
"high": 0.98999,
"low": 0.96689,
"open": 0.97889,
"previous_close": 0.98001
"ticker": "C:EURUSD",
"type": "fx"
"branding": {
"icon_url": "https://api.polygon.io/icon.png",
"logo_url": "https://api.polygon.io/logo.svg"
"last_updated": 1679597116344223500,
"market_status": "open",
"name": "Bitcoin - United States Dollar",
"price": 32154.68,
"session": {
"change": -201.23,
"change_percent": -0.77,
"close": 32154.68,
"high": 33124.28,
"low": 28182.88,
"open": 31129.32,
"previous_close": 33362.18
"ticker": "X:BTCUSD",
"type": "crypto"
"error": "NOT_FOUND",
"message": "Ticker not found.",
"ticker": "APx"
"status": "OK"
Query all ticker symbols which are supported by Polygon.io. This API currently includes Stocks/Equities, Indices, Forex, and Crypto.
Specify a ticker symbol. Defaults to empty string which queries all tickers.
Specify the type of the tickers. Find the types that we support via our Ticker Types API. Defaults to empty string which queries all types.
Filter by market type. By default all markets are included.
Specify the primary exchange of the asset in the ISO code format. Find more information about the ISO codes at the ISO org website. Defaults to empty string which queries all exchanges.
Specify the CUSIP code of the asset you want to search for. Find more information about CUSIP codes at their website. Defaults to empty string which queries all CUSIPs.
Note: Although you can query by CUSIP, due to legal reasons we do not return the CUSIP in the response.
Specify the CIK of the asset you want to search for. Find more information about CIK codes at their website. Defaults to empty string which queries all CIKs.
Specify a point in time to retrieve tickers available on that date. Defaults to the most recent available date.
Search for terms within the ticker and/or company name.
Specify if the tickers returned should be actively traded on the queried date. Default is true.
Order results based on the sort
Limit the number of results returned, default is 100 and max is 1000.
Sort field used for ordering.
The total number of results for this request.
If present, this value can be used to fetch the next page of data.
A request id assigned by the server.
An array of tickers that match your query.
Note: Although you can query by CUSIP, due to legal reasons we do not return the CUSIP in the response.
Whether or not the asset is actively traded. False means the asset has been delisted.
The CIK number for this ticker. Find more information here.
The composite OpenFIGI number for this ticker. Find more information here
The name of the currency that this asset is traded with.
The last date that the asset was traded.
The information is accurate up to this time.
The locale of the asset.
The market type of the asset.
The name of the asset. For stocks/equities this will be the companies registered name. For crypto/fx this will be the name of the currency or coin pair.
The ISO code of the primary listing exchange for this asset.
The share Class OpenFIGI number for this ticker. Find more information here
The exchange symbol that this item is traded under.
The type of the asset. Find the types that we support via our Ticker Types API.
The status of this request's response.
"count": 1,
"next_url": "https://api.polygon.io/v3/reference/tickers?cursor=YWN0aXZlPXRydWUmZGF0ZT0yMDIxLTA0LTI1JmxpbWl0PTEmb3JkZXI9YXNjJnBhZ2VfbWFya2VyPUElN0M5YWRjMjY0ZTgyM2E1ZjBiOGUyNDc5YmZiOGE1YmYwNDVkYzU0YjgwMDcyMWE2YmI1ZjBjMjQwMjU4MjFmNGZiJnNvcnQ9dGlja2Vy",
"request_id": "e70013d92930de90e089dc8fa098888e",
"results": [
"active": true,
"cik": "0001090872",
"composite_figi": "BBG000BWQYZ5",
"currency_name": "usd",
"last_updated_utc": "2021-04-25T00:00:00Z",
"locale": "us",
"market": "stocks",
"name": "Agilent Technologies Inc.",
"primary_exchange": "XNYS",
"share_class_figi": "BBG001SCTQY4",
"ticker": "A",
"type": "CS"
"status": "OK"
Get a single ticker supported by Polygon.io. This response will have detailed information about the ticker and the company behind it.
The ticker symbol of the asset.
Specify a point in time to get information about the ticker available on that date. When retrieving information from SEC filings, we compare this date with the period of report date on the SEC filing.
For example, consider an SEC filing submitted by AAPL on 2019-07-31, with a period of report date ending on 2019-06-29. That means that the filing was submitted on 2019-07-31, but the filing was created based on information from 2019-06-29. If you were to query for AAPL details on 2019-06-29, the ticker details would include information from the SEC filing.
Defaults to the most recent available date.
The total number of results for this request.
A request id assigned by the server.
Ticker with details.
Whether or not the asset is actively traded. False means the asset has been delisted.
The first line of the company's headquarters address.
The second line of the company's headquarters address, if applicable.
The city of the company's headquarters address.
The postal code of the company's headquarters address.
The state of the company's headquarters address.
A link to this ticker's company's icon. Icon's are generally smaller, square images that represent the company at a glance. Note that you must provide an API key when accessing this URL. See the "Authentication" section at the top of this page for more details.
A link to this ticker's company's logo. Note that you must provide an API key when accessing this URL. See the "Authentication" section at the top of this page for more details.
The CIK number for this ticker. Find more information here.
The composite OpenFIGI number for this ticker. Find more information here
The name of the currency that this asset is traded with.
The last date that the asset was traded.
A description of the company and what they do/offer.
The URL of the company's website homepage.
The date that the symbol was first publicly listed in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
The locale of the asset.
The market type of the asset.
The most recent close price of the ticker multiplied by weighted outstanding shares.
The name of the asset. For stocks/equities this will be the companies registered name. For crypto/fx this will be the name of the currency or coin pair.
The phone number for the company behind this ticker.
The ISO code of the primary listing exchange for this asset.
Round lot size of this security.
The share Class OpenFIGI number for this ticker. Find more information here
The recorded number of outstanding shares for this particular share class.
The standard industrial classification code for this ticker. For a list of SIC Codes, see the SEC's SIC Code List.
A description of this ticker's SIC code.
The exchange symbol that this item is traded under.
The root of a specified ticker. For example, the root of BRK.A is BRK.
The suffix of a specified ticker. For example, the suffix of BRK.A is A.
The approximate number of employees for the company.
The type of the asset. Find the types that we support via our Ticker Types API.
The shares outstanding calculated assuming all shares of other share classes are converted to this share class.
The status of this request's response.
"request_id": "31d59dda-80e5-4721-8496-d0d32a654afe",
"results": {
"active": true,
"address": {
"address1": "One Apple Park Way",
"city": "Cupertino",
"postal_code": "95014",
"state": "CA"
"branding": {
"icon_url": "https://api.polygon.io/v1/reference/company-branding/d3d3LmFwcGxlLmNvbQ/images/2022-01-10_icon.png",
"logo_url": "https://api.polygon.io/v1/reference/company-branding/d3d3LmFwcGxlLmNvbQ/images/2022-01-10_logo.svg"
"cik": "0000320193",
"composite_figi": "BBG000B9XRY4",
"currency_name": "usd",
"description": "Apple designs a wide variety of consumer electronic devices, including smartphones (iPhone), tablets (iPad), PCs (Mac), smartwatches (Apple Watch), AirPods, and TV boxes (Apple TV), among others. The iPhone makes up the majority of Apple's total revenue. In addition, Apple offers its customers a variety of services such as Apple Music, iCloud, Apple Care, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, Apple Card, and Apple Pay, among others. Apple's products run internally developed software and semiconductors, and the firm is well known for its integration of hardware, software and services. Apple's products are distributed online as well as through company-owned stores and third-party retailers. The company generates roughly 40% of its revenue from the Americas, with the remainder earned internationally.",
"homepage_url": "https://www.apple.com",
"list_date": "1980-12-12",
"locale": "us",
"market": "stocks",
"market_cap": 2771126040150,
"name": "Apple Inc.",
"phone_number": "(408) 996-1010",
"primary_exchange": "XNAS",
"round_lot": 100,
"share_class_figi": "BBG001S5N8V8",
"share_class_shares_outstanding": 16406400000,
"sic_code": "3571",
"sic_description": "ELECTRONIC COMPUTERS",
"ticker": "AAPL",
"ticker_root": "AAPL",
"total_employees": 154000,
"type": "CS",
"weighted_shares_outstanding": 16334371000
"status": "OK"
Get a timeline of events for the entity associated with the given ticker, CUSIP, or Composite FIGI.
Identifier of an asset. This can currently be a Ticker, CUSIP, or Composite FIGI. When given a ticker, we return events for the entity currently represented by that ticker. To find events for entities previously associated with a ticker, find the relevant identifier using the Ticker Details Endpoint
A comma-separated list of the types of event to include. Currently ticker_change is the only supported event_type. Leave blank to return all supported event_types.
A request id assigned by the server.
The status of this request's response.
"request_id": "31d59dda-80e5-4721-8496-d0d32a654afe",
"results": {
"events": [
"date": "2022-06-09",
"ticker_change": {
"ticker": "META"
"type": "ticker_change"
"date": "2012-05-18",
"ticker_change": {
"ticker": "FB"
"type": "ticker_change"
"name": "Meta Platforms, Inc. Class A Common Stock"
"status": "OK"
Get the most recent news articles relating to a stock ticker symbol, including a summary of the article and a link to the original source.
Specify a case-sensitive ticker symbol. For example, AAPL represents Apple Inc.
Return results published on, before, or after this date.
Order results based on the sort
Limit the number of results returned, default is 10 and max is 1000.
Sort field used for ordering.
The total number of results for this request.
If present, this value can be used to fetch the next page of data.
A request id assigned by the server.
An array of results containing the requested data.
The mobile friendly Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) URL.
A link to the news article.
The article's author.
A description of the article.
Unique identifier for the article.
The article's image URL.
The insights related to the article.
The sentiment of the insight.
The reasoning behind the sentiment.
The ticker symbol associated with the insight.
The keywords associated with the article (which will vary depending on the publishing source).
The UTC date and time when the article was published, formatted in RFC3339 standard (e.g. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ).
Details the source of the news article, including the publisher's name, logo, and homepage URLs. This information helps users identify and access the original source of news content.
The publisher's homepage favicon URL.
The publisher's homepage URL.
The publisher's logo URL.
The publisher's name.
The ticker symbols associated with the article.
The title of the news article.
The status of this request's response.
"count": 1,
"next_url": "https://api.polygon.io:443/v2/reference/news?cursor=eyJsaW1pdCI6MSwic29ydCI6InB1Ymxpc2hlZF91dGMiLCJvcmRlciI6ImFzY2VuZGluZyIsInRpY2tlciI6e30sInB1Ymxpc2hlZF91dGMiOnsiZ3RlIjoiMjAyMS0wNC0yNiJ9LCJzZWFyY2hfYWZ0ZXIiOlsxNjE5NDA0Mzk3MDAwLG51bGxdfQ",
"request_id": "831afdb0b8078549fed053476984947a",
"results": [
"amp_url": "https://m.uk.investing.com/news/stock-market-news/markets-are-underestimating-fed-cuts-ubs-3559968?ampMode=1",
"article_url": "https://uk.investing.com/news/stock-market-news/markets-are-underestimating-fed-cuts-ubs-3559968",
"author": "Sam Boughedda",
"description": "UBS analysts warn that markets are underestimating the extent of future interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve, as the weakening economy is likely to justify more cuts than currently anticipated.",
"id": "8ec638777ca03b553ae516761c2a22ba2fdd2f37befae3ab6fdab74e9e5193eb",
"image_url": "https://i-invdn-com.investing.com/news/LYNXNPEC4I0AL_L.jpg",
"insights": [
"sentiment": "positive",
"sentiment_reasoning": "UBS analysts are providing a bullish outlook on the extent of future Federal Reserve rate cuts, suggesting that markets are underestimating the number of cuts that will occur.",
"ticker": "UBS"
"keywords": [
"Federal Reserve",
"interest rates",
"economic data"
"published_utc": "2024-06-24T18:33:53Z",
"publisher": {
"favicon_url": "https://s3.polygon.io/public/assets/news/favicons/investing.ico",
"homepage_url": "https://www.investing.com/",
"logo_url": "https://s3.polygon.io/public/assets/news/logos/investing.png",
"name": "Investing.com"
"tickers": [
"title": "Markets are underestimating Fed cuts: UBS By Investing.com - Investing.com UK"
"status": "OK"
Filter by asset class.
Filter by locale.
The total number of results for this request.
A request ID assigned by the server.
An identifier for a group of similar financial instruments.
A code used by Polygon.io to refer to this ticker type.
A short description of this ticker type.
An identifier for a geographical location.
The status of this request's response.
"count": 1,
"request_id": "31d59dda-80e5-4721-8496-d0d32a654afe",
"results": [
"asset_class": "stocks",
"code": "CS",
"description": "Common Stock",
"locale": "us"
"status": "OK"
The market close time on the holiday (if it's not closed).
The date of the holiday.
Which market the record is for.
The name of the holiday.
The market open time on the holiday (if it's not closed).
The status of the market on the holiday.
"date": "2020-11-26",
"exchange": "NYSE",
"name": "Thanksgiving",
"status": "closed"
"date": "2020-11-26",
"exchange": "NASDAQ",
"name": "Thanksgiving",
"status": "closed"
"date": "2020-11-26",
"exchange": "OTC",
"name": "Thanksgiving",
"status": "closed"
"close": "2020-11-27T18:00:00.000Z",
"date": "2020-11-27",
"exchange": "NASDAQ",
"name": "Thanksgiving",
"open": "2020-11-27T14:30:00.000Z",
"status": "early-close"
"close": "2020-11-27T18:00:00.000Z",
"date": "2020-11-27",
"exchange": "NYSE",
"name": "Thanksgiving",
"open": "2020-11-27T14:30:00.000Z",
"status": "early-close"
Get the current trading status of the exchanges and overall financial markets.
Whether or not the market is in post-market hours.
The status of the crypto market.
The status of the forex market.
Whether or not the market is in pre-market hours.
The status of the Nasdaq market.
The status of the NYSE market.
The status of the OTC market.
The status of Cboe Streaming Market Indices Cryptocurrency ("CCCY") indices trading hours.
The status of Cboe Global Indices ("CGI") trading hours.
The status of Dow Jones indices trading hours
The status of Financial Times Stock Exchange Group ("FTSE") Russell indices trading hours.
The status of Morgan Stanley Capital International ("MSCI") indices trading hours.
The status of Morningstar ("MSTAR") indices trading hours.
The status of Morningstar Customer ("MSTARC") indices trading hours.
The status of National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations ("Nasdaq") indices trading hours.
The status of Standard & Poors's ("S&P") indices trading hours.
The status of Societe Generale indices trading hours.
The status of the market as a whole.
The current time of the server, returned as a date-time in RFC3339 format.
"afterHours": true,
"currencies": {
"crypto": "open",
"fx": "open"
"earlyHours": false,
"exchanges": {
"nasdaq": "extended-hours",
"nyse": "extended-hours",
"otc": "closed"
"market": "extended-hours",
"serverTime": "2020-11-10T17:37:37-05:00"
Get a list of historical stock splits, including the ticker symbol, the execution date, and the factors of the split ratio.
Specify a case-sensitive ticker symbol. For example, AAPL represents Apple Inc.
Query by execution date with the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Query for reverse stock splits. A split ratio where split_from is greater than split_to represents a reverse split. By default this filter is not used.
Order results based on the sort
Limit the number of results returned, default is 10 and max is 1000.
Sort field used for ordering.
If present, this value can be used to fetch the next page of data.
The execution date of the stock split. On this date the stock split was applied.
The unique identifier for this stock split.
The second number in the split ratio.
For example: In a 2-for-1 split, split_from would be 1.
The first number in the split ratio.
For example: In a 2-for-1 split, split_to would be 2.
The ticker symbol of the stock split.
The status of this request's response.
"next_url": "https://api.polygon.io/v3/splits/AAPL?cursor=YWN0aXZlPXRydWUmZGF0ZT0yMDIxLTA0LTI1JmxpbWl0PTEmb3JkZXI9YXNjJnBhZ2VfbWFya2VyPUElN0M5YWRjMjY0ZTgyM2E1ZjBiOGUyNDc5YmZiOGE1YmYwNDVkYzU0YjgwMDcyMWE2YmI1ZjBjMjQwMjU4MjFmNGZiJnNvcnQ9dGlja2Vy",
"results": [
"execution_date": "2020-08-31",
"id": "E36416cce743c3964c5da63e1ef1626c0aece30fb47302eea5a49c0055c04e8d0",
"split_from": 1,
"split_to": 4,
"ticker": "AAPL"
"execution_date": "2005-02-28",
"id": "E90a77bdf742661741ed7c8fc086415f0457c2816c45899d73aaa88bdc8ff6025",
"split_from": 1,
"split_to": 2,
"ticker": "AAPL"
"status": "OK"
Get a list of historical cash dividends, including the ticker symbol, declaration date, ex-dividend date, record date, pay date, frequency, and amount.
Specify a case-sensitive ticker symbol. For example, AAPL represents Apple Inc.
Query by ex-dividend date with the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Query by record date with the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Query by declaration date with the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Query by pay date with the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Query by the number of times per year the dividend is paid out. Possible values are 0 (one-time), 1 (annually), 2 (bi-annually), 4 (quarterly), 12 (monthly), 24 (bi-monthly), and 52 (weekly).
Query by the cash amount of the dividend.
Query by the type of dividend. Dividends that have been paid and/or are expected to be paid on consistent schedules are denoted as CD. Special Cash dividends that have been paid that are infrequent or unusual, and/or can not be expected to occur in the future are denoted as SC.
Order results based on the sort
Limit the number of results returned, default is 10 and max is 1000.
Sort field used for ordering.
If present, this value can be used to fetch the next page of data.
A request id assigned by the server.
An array of results containing the requested data.
The cash amount of the dividend per share owned.
The currency in which the dividend is paid.
The date that the dividend was announced.
The type of dividend. Dividends that have been paid and/or are expected to be paid on consistent schedules are denoted as CD. Special Cash dividends that have been paid that are infrequent or unusual, and/or can not be expected to occur in the future are denoted as SC. Long-Term and Short-Term capital gain distributions are denoted as LT and ST, respectively.
The date that the stock first trades without the dividend, determined by the exchange.
The number of times per year the dividend is paid out. Possible values are 0 (one-time), 1 (annually), 2 (bi-annually), 4 (quarterly), 12 (monthly), 24 (bi-monthly), and 52 (weekly).
The unique identifier of the dividend.
The date that the dividend is paid out.
The date that the stock must be held to receive the dividend, set by the company.
The ticker symbol of the dividend.
The status of this request's response.
"next_url": "https://api.polygon.io/v3/reference/dividends/AAPL?cursor=YWN0aXZlPXRydWUmZGF0ZT0yMDIxLTA0LTI1JmxpbWl0PTEmb3JkZXI9YXNjJnBhZ2VfbWFya2VyPUElN0M5YWRjMjY0ZTgyM2E1ZjBiOGUyNDc5YmZiOGE1YmYwNDVkYzU0YjgwMDcyMWE2YmI1ZjBjMjQwMjU4MjFmNGZiJnNvcnQ9dGlja2Vy",
"request_id": "6a7e466379af0a71039d60cc78e72282",
"results": [
"cash_amount": 0.22,
"declaration_date": "2021-10-28",
"dividend_type": "CD",
"ex_dividend_date": "2021-11-05",
"frequency": 4,
"id": "E8e3c4f794613e9205e2f178a36c53fcc57cdabb55e1988c87b33f9e52e221444",
"pay_date": "2021-11-11",
"record_date": "2021-11-08",
"ticker": "AAPL"
"cash_amount": 0.22,
"declaration_date": "2021-07-27",
"dividend_type": "CD",
"ex_dividend_date": "2021-08-06",
"frequency": 4,
"id": "E6436c5475706773f03490acf0b63fdb90b2c72bfeed329a6eb4afc080acd80ae",
"pay_date": "2021-08-12",
"record_date": "2021-08-09",
"ticker": "AAPL"
"status": "OK"
Get historical financial data for a stock ticker. The financials data is extracted from XBRL from company SEC filings using the methodology outlined here.
Query by company ticker.
Query by central index key (CIK) Number
Query by standard industrial classification (SIC)
Query by the date when the filing with financials data was filed in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Best used when querying over date ranges to find financials based on filings that happen in a time period.
To get financials based on filings that have happened after January 1, 2009 use the query param filing_date.gte=2009-01-01
To get financials based on filings that happened in the year 2009 use the query params filing_date.gte=2009-01-01&filing_date.lt=2010-01-01
The period of report for the filing with financials data in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Query by timeframe. Annual financials originate from 10-K filings, and quarterly financials originate from 10-Q filings. Note: Most companies do not file quarterly reports for Q4 and instead include those financials in their annual report, so some companies my not return quarterly financials for Q4
Whether or not to include the xpath
and formula
attributes for each financial data point.
See the xpath
and formula
response attributes for more info. False by default.
Order results based on the sort
Limit the number of results returned, default is 10 and max is 100.
Sort field used for ordering.
The total number of results for this request.
If present, this value can be used to fetch the next page of data.
A request id assigned by the server.
The datetime (EST timezone) the filing was accepted by EDGAR in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format.
The CIK number for the company.
The company name.
The end date of the period that these financials cover in YYYYMMDD format.
The date that the SEC filing which these financials were derived from was made available. Note that this is not necessarily the date when this information became public, as some companies may publish a press release before filing with the SEC.
Balance sheet. The keys in this object can be any of the fields listed in the Balance Sheet section of the financials API glossary of terms.
An individual financial data point.
The list of report IDs (or errata) which were used to derive this data point.
This value is only returned for data points taken directly from XBRL when the include_sources
query parameter is true
and if source is SourceInterReportDerived.
The name of the formula used to derive this data point from other financial data points.
Information about the formulas can be found here.
This value is only returned for data points that are not explicitly expressed within the XBRL source file when the include_sources
query parameter is true
and if source is SourceIntraReportImpute.
A human readable label for the financial data point.
An indicator of what order within the statement that you would find this data point.
The source where this data point came from. This will be one of: SourceDirectReport, SourceIntraReportImpute or SourceInterReportDerived.
The unit of the financial data point.
The value of the financial data point.
The XPath 1.0 query that identifies the fact from within the XBRL source file.
This value is only returned for data points taken directly from XBRL when the include_sources
query parameter is true
and if source is SourceDirectReport.
Cash flow statement.
The keys in this object can be any of the fields listed in the Cash Flow Statement section of the financials API glossary of terms.
See the attributes of the objects within balance_sheet
for more details.
Comprehensive income.
The keys in this object can be any of the fields listed in the Comprehensive Income section of the financials API glossary of terms.
See the attributes of the objects within balance_sheet
for more details.
Income statement.
The keys in this object can be any of the fields listed in the Income Statement section of the financials API glossary of terms.
See the attributes of the objects within balance_sheet
for more details.
Fiscal period of the report according to the company (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, or FY).
Fiscal year of the report according to the company.
The URL of the specific XBRL instance document within the SEC filing that these financials were derived from.
The URL of the SEC filing that these financials were derived from.
The start date of the period that these financials cover in YYYYMMDD format.
The list of ticker symbols for the company.
The timeframe of the report (quarterly, annual or ttm).
The status of this request's response.
"count": 1,
"next_url": "https://api.polygon.io/vX/reference/financials?",
"request_id": "55eb92ed43b25568ab0cce159830ea34",
"results": [
"cik": "0001650729",
"company_name": "SiteOne Landscape Supply, Inc.",
"end_date": "2022-04-03",
"filing_date": "2022-05-04",
"financials": {
"balance_sheet": {
"assets": {
"label": "Assets",
"order": 100,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 2407400000
"current_assets": {
"label": "Current Assets",
"order": 200,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 1385900000
"current_liabilities": {
"label": "Current Liabilities",
"order": 700,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 597500000
"equity": {
"label": "Equity",
"order": 1400,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 1099200000
"equity_attributable_to_noncontrolling_interest": {
"label": "Equity Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest",
"order": 1500,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 0
"equity_attributable_to_parent": {
"label": "Equity Attributable To Parent",
"order": 1600,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 1099200000
"liabilities": {
"label": "Liabilities",
"order": 600,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 1308200000
"liabilities_and_equity": {
"label": "Liabilities And Equity",
"order": 1900,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 2407400000
"noncurrent_assets": {
"label": "Noncurrent Assets",
"order": 300,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 1021500000
"noncurrent_liabilities": {
"label": "Noncurrent Liabilities",
"order": 800,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 710700000
"cash_flow_statement": {
"exchange_gains_losses": {
"label": "Exchange Gains/Losses",
"order": 1000,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 100000
"net_cash_flow": {
"label": "Net Cash Flow",
"order": 1100,
"unit": "USD",
"value": -8600000
"net_cash_flow_continuing": {
"label": "Net Cash Flow, Continuing",
"order": 1200,
"unit": "USD",
"value": -8700000
"net_cash_flow_from_financing_activities": {
"label": "Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities",
"order": 700,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 150600000
"net_cash_flow_from_financing_activities_continuing": {
"label": "Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities, Continuing",
"order": 800,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 150600000
"net_cash_flow_from_investing_activities": {
"label": "Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities",
"order": 400,
"unit": "USD",
"value": -41000000
"net_cash_flow_from_investing_activities_continuing": {
"label": "Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities, Continuing",
"order": 500,
"unit": "USD",
"value": -41000000
"net_cash_flow_from_operating_activities": {
"label": "Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities",
"order": 100,
"unit": "USD",
"value": -118300000
"net_cash_flow_from_operating_activities_continuing": {
"label": "Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities, Continuing",
"order": 200,
"unit": "USD",
"value": -118300000
"comprehensive_income": {
"comprehensive_income_loss": {
"label": "Comprehensive Income/Loss",
"order": 100,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 40500000
"comprehensive_income_loss_attributable_to_noncontrolling_interest": {
"label": "Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest",
"order": 200,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 0
"comprehensive_income_loss_attributable_to_parent": {
"label": "Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Parent",
"order": 300,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 40500000
"other_comprehensive_income_loss": {
"label": "Other Comprehensive Income/Loss",
"order": 400,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 40500000
"other_comprehensive_income_loss_attributable_to_parent": {
"label": "Other Comprehensive Income/Loss Attributable To Parent",
"order": 600,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 8200000
"income_statement": {
"basic_earnings_per_share": {
"label": "Basic Earnings Per Share",
"order": 4200,
"unit": "USD / shares",
"value": 0.72
"benefits_costs_expenses": {
"label": "Benefits Costs and Expenses",
"order": 200,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 768400000
"cost_of_revenue": {
"label": "Cost Of Revenue",
"order": 300,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 536100000
"costs_and_expenses": {
"label": "Costs And Expenses",
"order": 600,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 768400000
"diluted_earnings_per_share": {
"label": "Diluted Earnings Per Share",
"order": 4300,
"unit": "USD / shares",
"value": 0.7
"gross_profit": {
"label": "Gross Profit",
"order": 800,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 269200000
"income_loss_from_continuing_operations_after_tax": {
"label": "Income/Loss From Continuing Operations After Tax",
"order": 1400,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 32300000
"income_loss_from_continuing_operations_before_tax": {
"label": "Income/Loss From Continuing Operations Before Tax",
"order": 1500,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 36900000
"income_tax_expense_benefit": {
"label": "Income Tax Expense/Benefit",
"order": 2200,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 4600000
"interest_expense_operating": {
"label": "Interest Expense, Operating",
"order": 2700,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 4300000
"net_income_loss": {
"label": "Net Income/Loss",
"order": 3200,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 32300000
"net_income_loss_attributable_to_noncontrolling_interest": {
"label": "Net Income/Loss Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest",
"order": 3300,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 0
"net_income_loss_attributable_to_parent": {
"label": "Net Income/Loss Attributable To Parent",
"order": 3500,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 32300000
"net_income_loss_available_to_common_stockholders_basic": {
"label": "Net Income/Loss Available To Common Stockholders, Basic",
"order": 3700,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 32300000
"operating_expenses": {
"label": "Operating Expenses",
"order": 1000,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 228000000
"operating_income_loss": {
"label": "Operating Income/Loss",
"order": 1100,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 41200000
"participating_securities_distributed_and_undistributed_earnings_loss_basic": {
"label": "Participating Securities, Distributed And Undistributed Earnings/Loss, Basic",
"order": 3800,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 0
"preferred_stock_dividends_and_other_adjustments": {
"label": "Preferred Stock Dividends And Other Adjustments",
"order": 3900,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 0
"revenues": {
"label": "Revenues",
"order": 100,
"unit": "USD",
"value": 805300000
"fiscal_period": "Q1",
"fiscal_year": "2022",
"source_filing_file_url": "https://api.polygon.io/v1/reference/sec/filings/0001650729-22-000010/files/site-20220403_htm.xml",
"source_filing_url": "https://api.polygon.io/v1/reference/sec/filings/0001650729-22-000010",
"start_date": "2022-01-03"
"status": "OK"
Filter for conditions within a given asset class.
Filter by data type.
Filter for conditions with a given ID.
Filter by SIP. If the condition contains a mapping for that SIP, the condition will be returned.
Order results based on the sort
Limit the number of results returned, default is 10 and max is 1000.
Sort field used for ordering.
The total number of results for this request.
If present, this value can be used to fetch the next page of data.
A request ID assigned by the server.
An array of conditions that match your query.
A commonly-used abbreviation for this condition.
An identifier for a group of similar financial instruments.
Data types that this condition applies to.
A short description of the semantics of this condition.
If present, mapping this condition from a Polygon.io code to a SIP symbol depends on this attribute. In other words, data with this condition attached comes exclusively from the given exchange.
An identifier used by Polygon.io for this condition. Unique per data type.
If true, this condition is from an old version of the SIPs' specs and no longer is used. Other conditions may or may not reuse the same symbol as this one.
The name of this condition.
A mapping to a symbol for each SIP that has this condition.
An identifier for a collection of related conditions.
A list of aggregation rules.
Describes aggregation rules on a consolidated (all exchanges) basis.
Whether or not trades with this condition update the high/low.
Whether or not trades with this condition update the open/close.
Whether or not trades with this condition update the volume.
Describes aggregation rules on a per-market-center basis.
Whether or not trades with this condition update the high/low.
Whether or not trades with this condition update the open/close.
Whether or not trades with this condition update the volume.
The status of this request's response.
"count": 1,
"request_id": "31d59dda-80e5-4721-8496-d0d32a654afe",
"results": [
"asset_class": "stocks",
"data_types": [
"id": 2,
"name": "Average Price Trade",
"sip_mapping": {
"CTA": "B",
"UTP": "W"
"type": "condition",
"update_rules": {
"consolidated": {
"updates_high_low": false,
"updates_open_close": false,
"updates_volume": true
"market_center": {
"updates_high_low": false,
"updates_open_close": false,
"updates_volume": true
"status": "OK"
Filter by asset class.
Filter by locale.
The total number of results for this request.
A request ID assigned by the server.
A commonly used abbreviation for this exchange.
An identifier for a group of similar financial instruments.
A unique identifier used by Polygon.io for this exchange.
An identifier for a geographical location.
The Market Identifier Code of this exchange (see ISO 10383).
Name of this exchange.
The MIC of the entity that operates this exchange.
The ID used by SIP's to represent this exchange.
Represents the type of exchange.
A link to this exchange's website, if one exists.
The status of this request's response.
"count": 1,
"request_id": "31d59dda-80e5-4721-8496-d0d32a654afe",
"results": [
"acronym": "AMEX",
"asset_class": "stocks",
"id": 1,
"locale": "us",
"mic": "XASE",
"name": "NYSE American, LLC",
"operating_mic": "XNYS",
"participant_id": "A",
"type": "exchange",
"url": "https://www.nyse.com/markets/nyse-american"
"status": "OK"
Get a list of tickers related to the queried ticker based on News and Returns data.
The ticker symbol to search.
A request id assigned by the server.
A ticker related to the requested ticker.
The status of this request's response.
The ticker being queried.
"request_id": "31d59dda-80e5-4721-8496-d0d32a654afe",
"results": [
"ticker": "MSFT"
"ticker": "GOOGL"
"ticker": "AMZN"
"ticker": "FB"
"ticker": "TSLA"
"ticker": "NVDA"
"ticker": "INTC"
"ticker": "ADBE"
"ticker": "NFLX"
"ticker": "PYPL"
"status": "OK",
"stock_symbol": "AAPL"
The IPOs API provides access to detailed information about Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), including both upcoming and historical events. With this API, you can query for a comprehensive list of IPOs, along with key details such as the issuer name, ticker symbol, ISIN, IPO date, number of shares offered, expected price range, and final offering price. You can filter the results by status to focus on new, rumors, pending, historical, and more.
Specify a case-sensitive ticker symbol. For example, AAPL represents Apple Inc.
Specify a us_code. This is a unique nine-character alphanumeric code that identifies a North American financial security for the purposes of facilitating clearing and settlement of trades.
Specify an International Securities Identification Number (ISIN). This is a unique twelve-digit code that is assigned to every security issuance in the world.
Specify a listing date. This is the first trading date for the newly listed entity.
Specify an IPO status.
Order results based on the sort
Limit the number of results returned, default is 10 and max is 1000.
Sort field used for ordering.
If present, this value can be used to fetch the next page of data.
A request id assigned by the server.
An array of results containing the requested data.
The date when the IPO event was announced.
Underlying currency of the security.
The price set by the company and its underwriters before the IPO goes live.
The highest price within the IPO price range that the company might use to price the shares.
The status of the IPO event. IPO events start out as status "rumor" or "pending". On listing day, the status changes to "new". After the listing day, the status changes to "history".
The status "direct_listing_process" corresponds to a type of offering where, instead of going through all the IPO processes, the company decides to list its shares directly on an exchange, without using an investment bank or other intermediaries. This is called a direct listing, direct placement, or direct public offering (DPO).
International Securities Identification Number. This is a unique twelve-digit code that is assigned to every security issuance in the world.
Name of issuer.
The date when the IPO event was last modified.
First trading date for the newly listed entity.
The minimum number of shares that can be bought or sold in a single transaction.
The lowest price within the IPO price range that the company is willing to offer its shares to investors.
The upper limit of the shares that the company is offering to investors.
The lower limit of shares that the company is willing to sell in the IPO.
Market Identifier Code (MIC) of the primary exchange where the security is listed. The Market Identifier Code (MIC) (ISO 10383) is a unique identification code used to identify securities trading exchanges, regulated and non-regulated trading markets.
Description of the security.
The classification of the stock. For example, "CS" stands for Common Stock.
The total number of shares that the company has issued and are held by investors.
The ticker symbol of the IPO event.
The total amount raised by the company for IPO.
This is a unique nine-character alphanumeric code that identifies a North American financial security for the purposes of facilitating clearing and settlement of trades.
The status of this request's response.
"next_url": "https://api.polygon.io/vX/reference/ipos?cursor=YWN0aXZlPXRydWUmZGF0ZT0yMDIxLTA0LTI1JmxpbWl0PTEmb3JkZXI9YXNjJnBhZ2VfbWFya2VyPUElN0M5YWRjMjY0ZTgyM2E1ZjBiOGUyNDc5YmZiOGE1YmYwNDVkYzU0YjgwMDcyMWE2YmI1ZjBjMjQwMjU4MjFmNGZiJnNvcnQ9dGlja2Vy",
"request_id": "6a7e466379af0a71039d60cc78e72282",
"results": [
"announced_date": "2024-06-01",
"currency_code": "USD",
"final_issue_price": 17,
"highest_offer_price": 17,
"ipo_status": "history",
"isin": "US75383L1026",
"issue_end_date": "2024-06-06",
"issue_start_date": "2024-06-01",
"issuer_name": "Rapport Therapeutics Inc.",
"last_updated": "2024-06-27",
"listing_date": "2024-06-07",
"lot_size": 100,
"lowest_offer_price": 17,
"max_shares_offered": 8000000,
"min_shares_offered": 1000000,
"primary_exchange": "XNAS",
"security_description": "Ordinary Shares",
"security_type": "CS",
"shares_outstanding": 35376457,
"ticker": "RAPP",
"total_offer_size": 136000000,
"us_code": "75383L102"
"status": "OK"
The Launchpad Stocks WebSocket API provides streaming access to market data for Launchpad subscribers. You can specify which channels you want to consume by sending instructions in the form of actions. Our WebSockets emit events to notify you when an event has occurred in a channel you've subscribed to.
Our WebSocket APIs are based on entitlements that control which WebSocket Clusters you can connect to and which kinds of data you can access. You can login to see examples that include your API key and are personalized to your entitlements.
With a premium Stocks plan, you will be able to use a single connection to the Stocks Cluster. If another connection attempts to connect to the Stocks Cluster simultaneously, the current connection will be disconnected. If you need more simultaneous connections to this cluster, you can contact support.
Connecting to a cluster:
On connection you will receive the following message:
"message": "Connected Successfully"
You must authenticate before you can make any other requests.
On successful authentication you will receive the following message:
"message": "authenticated"
Once authenticated, you can request a stream. You can request multiple streams in the same request.
You can also request multiple streams from the same cluster.
Things happen very quickly in the world of finance, which means a Polygon.io WebSocket client must be able to handle many incoming messages per second. Due to the nature of the WebSocket protocol, if a client is slow to consume messages from the server, Polygon.io's server must buffer messages and send them only as fast as the client can consume them. To help prevent the message buffer from getting too long, Polygon.io may send more than one JSON object in a single WebSocket message. We accomplish this by wrapping all messages in a JSON array, and adding more objects to the array if the message buffer is getting longer. For example, consider a WebSocket message with a single trade event in it:
If your client is consuming a bit slow, or 2+ events happened in very short succession, you may receive a single WebSocket message with more than one event inside it, like this:
Note that if a client is consuming messages too slowly for too long, Polygon.io's server-side buffer may get too large. If that happens, Polygon.io will terminate the WebSocket connection. You can check your account dashboard to see if a connection was terminated as a slow consumer. If this happens to you consistently, consider subscribing to fewer symbols or channels.
Stream real-time minute aggregates for a given stock ticker symbol.
Specify a stock ticker or use * to subscribe to all stock tickers. You can also use a comma separated list to subscribe to multiple stock tickers. You can retrieve available stock tickers from our Stock Tickers API.
The event type.
The ticker symbol for the given stock.
The tick volume.
Today's accumulated volume.
Today's official opening price.
The volume-weighted average value for the aggregate window.
The open price for the symbol in the given time period.
The close price for the symbol in the given time period.
The highest price for the symbol in the given time period.
The lowest price for the symbol in the given time period.
Today's volume weighted average price.
The average trade size for this aggregate window.
The start timestamp of this aggregate window in Unix Milliseconds.
The end timestamp of this aggregate window in Unix Milliseconds.
"ev": "AM",
"sym": "GTE",
"v": 4110,
"av": 9470157,
"op": 0.4372,
"vw": 0.4488,
"o": 0.4488,
"c": 0.4486,
"h": 0.4489,
"l": 0.4486,
"a": 0.4352,
"z": 685,
"s": 1610144640000,
"e": 1610144700000
Specify a stock ticker or use * to subscribe to all stock tickers. You can also use a comma separated list to subscribe to multiple stock tickers. You can retrieve available stock tickers from our Stock Tickers API.
The event type.
The current value of the security.
The ticker symbol for the given security.
The nanosecond timestamp.
"ev": "LV",
"val": 189.22,
"sym": "AAPL",
"t": 1678220098130