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Free Forex accounts closing soon

We posted a couple months ago that free forex accounts were no longer available, and that current free accounts would be closing soon. Now that the new forex integrations are complete, we must begin paying license fees per user, per month. Which means we can no longer offer forex data freely to users. When: Free forex accounts will lose access to real-time data streams and API calls starting on: 1st of July, 2018 The accounts and their API keys will not be disabled or deleted, however will no

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Polygon Team


addition forex banks Feature Image

Addition Forex Banks

We have added an additional cluster of Forex banking institutions. Due to adding this, and plans to add more, we have modified the schema of the forex ticks to include the exchange ID. This will be valuable when looking at the prices between forex banking institutions. The Forex schema will be updated April 17, 2018. Since this is a schema addition, and not editing/removing a key, we expect the impact to be low on client application logic. Thanks,

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Polygon Team
