Partner Program

What is this program?

A Polygon Partner is a developer building with Polygon, and passionate about teaching, sharing and supporting other developers to do the same. They write content, code, respond to forum questions, contribute to related GitHub projects, organize events, and share across their favorite social media channels and platform. The Partner program is designed to recognize and support you to continue to spread that Polygon ❤️ to as many developers as possible.

What’s in it for me?

  • Access to a private Slack channel for you to connect directly with our founders and product leads. You’ll get to hear about new features before anyone else, provide feedback and early access opportunities. 🕵🏻‍♀️
  • Prioritized support. Your support tickets will be automatically given a higher priority, regardless of what Products you have signed up for. ☎️
  • Invite to a quarterly AMA hangout with our founders and product leaders. We will share our roadmap plans, and you can help us shape the direction of the product. 🙋🏻‍♀️
  • 100% discount (free!) for any individual paid products you subscribe to whilst you are a champion. 💰
  • If you are running an in-person meetup, workshop, campus event, let us know, we’d love to sponsor some food and drinks. 🍕

What do I have to do to be considered a Partner?

Polygon partners are developers who are passionate about sharing their experience building with Polygon. How you do that is totally up to you. You might be excited about

  • Content creation - you write code, tutorials, build apps, and other resources for developers to get the most out of Polygon.
  • Community building - You create or manage an in-person or online group, helping to host events, workshops, campus activities or webinars.
  • Community support and mentorship - you are actively responding to questions online via Stack Overflow, Reddit, etc to help developers build with Polygon.
  • Content creation - you have created new content in the form of blogs, videos, or code and shared with your audience in the past 60 days. Write on any topic you like, as long as it uses in some way. Anything you create is owned by you. At times, we may share your content across our channels, but don’t worry, we will always ask first 😉

How do I get started?

You can get started right now. We encourage you to start sharing your experience as soon as you like. Participation is entirely voluntary and you can stop at any time. All we ask is an estimated 3-4 hours minimum per month to create content and share with the community. When you are ready, tap the Apply link below and complete the application form. Applications will be reviewed on a regular basis with Partner status maintained for 1 year.

Apply to become a Polygon Partner