Knowledge Base/What is the average latency for Polygon.’s WebSockets?

What is the average latency for Polygon.’s WebSockets?

We pride ourselves on having some of the lowest latency in the industry.

Our servers are connected directly to the US SIPs and OPRA feeds, providing the fastest access to US equities and options data. Our average latency for US stocks and options data is <20ms. For Currencies, our average latency is <200ms. Crypto has an average latency of <40ms. Latencies may vary depending on your geographical location, consumption speeds, and internet. US Stocks Trades + Quotes: Mean time of <20ms Currencies Quotes: Mean time of <200ms Crypto Trades: Mean time of <40ms L2 Quotes: Mean time of <40ms L1 Quotes: Mean time of <40ms US Options Trades + Quotes: Mean time of <20ms

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