Knowledge Base/Does Polygon have an endpoint that returns the latest trades, quotes and aggregates in one request?

Does Polygon have an endpoint that returns the latest trades, quotes and aggregates in one request?

Yes, we have a group of endpoints called Snapshots that return a ‘snapshot’ of the market for a single ticker, a group of tickers, or all tickers on the market.

The Snapshot endpoint specifically returns the current minute, day, and previous day’s aggregate, as well as the last trade and quote for a single traded stock ticker. The Snapshot - All Tickers endpoint returns the same information, but for the entire stock market. You can also insert a comma-separated list of tickers to query a smaller group. We also provide a Snapshot - Gainers and Losers endpoint that returns the current top 20 gainers or losers of the day in stocks/equities markets. Top gainers are those tickers whose price has increased by the highest percentage since the previous day’s close. Top losers are those tickers whose price has decreased by the highest percentage since the previous day’s close.

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