Knowledge Base/What symbols/exchanges are included in Polygon’s data?

What symbols/exchanges are included in Polygon’s data?

We support the entire US equities market as well as the entire US options market.

Our platform supports a wide range of asset classes including stocks, options, forex, and cryptocurrencies. Below is a detailed breakdown of what is supported and where the data is sourced from:

Asset ClassSupported Exchanges/Sources
Stocks & Options19 US Exchanges + Dark Pools
ForexVarious institutional-level banks
CryptocurrenciesCoinbase, Kraken, BitStamp, Bitfinex

Endpoints for Supported Tickers and Static Lists:

Important Note:

  • The static lists provided above are not dynamically updated. For the most current information, please utilize the linked Tickers v3 endpoints.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Our platform covers all 19 US exchanges and additional dark pools for stocks and options trading.
  • Reliable Data Sources: Forex data is sourced from top-tier institutional banks, ensuring high reliability and coverage.
  • High-Volume Crypto Exchanges: Cryptocurrency data is exclusively sourced from the four highest volume exchanges to ensure accuracy and timeliness.

For more detailed information on the tickers available for each asset class, you can utilize the respective Tickers v3 endpoint linked above.

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